Feeling like a loser at 30 reddit It sounds like you’re trying to do your part which is great. hahaha I love wise old queens. My late 20s have been so rough. A loser and an idiot. With millions of users and a vast variety of communities, Reddit has emerged as o Reddit, often dubbed “the front page of the internet,” boasts a diverse community where discussions range from niche hobbies to global news. Common symptoms of morgellons include feeling like bugs are crawling on th Feeling disconcerted can be a challenging emotion to navigate. You can try to break this cycle by doing something you like doing, be it reading, writing, gaming,etc. Whether it’s visiting your childhood home, moving back after years away, or simply spending time with family over the holid The phrase “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” is a powerful reminder that our words reflect our inner thoughts, feelings, and values. I read about people making 60k 70k a year and I can’t see myself ever making that much money. “Why should I be worthy,” I ask myself, “because I feel like such a loser?” The thing is, I am NOT a loser. W A cold feeling or sensation in the chest may be a symptom of one of many medical conditions, including chest injury, diabetes, alcohol-related neuropathy, hypothermia, neurological Individuals who are burping a lot and feeling sick may be struggling with indigestion, according to NHS Direct Wales. I have no friends nothing… If you define a loser as having accomplished a lot, maybe you are a loser. Here are some tips for when you feel like you're a loser at life. Some people just dont like to travel. The kids are fun and I think I'm good at it. It's a little midlife crisis. I see myself 10 years from now working the same beginner jobs. As the title suggests, I just failed my road test for the fourth time, and I feel like a huge loser. So what is a good way to define wether you are a loser? It is: did you do your the holdup is just kind of sulking honestly. Every effort I make to improve seems to backfire and end up null and void. Don’t give up, recognize that your bad feelings are temporary, once they pass you can put the effort into your projects and the gym and you WILL feel better. start socking away that money buy a little beater car for 1000. Nothing makes sense anymore and I’m so lost… Does anyone else feel like this in their 30’s? I want you to write down every reason why you feel like a loser, really look in your soul and your purpose to find this because the answer is there. I wouldn't suggest taking in education debt, except it sounds like you know what you'd like to do. Even the nice moments I used to have with friends were fleeting, bc I'd already be wrecking my head over something they said on the way home, thinking they don't like me or feeling attacked by a small comment they made. These sites all offer their u The famous quote “winners write history” suggests that those who emerge victorious in conflicts or competitions have the power to shape historical narratives. Sometimes even with people I do know I get awkward because I feel like most of the time I don't have anything interest to say and then I start to wonder why anyone would even like me in the first place. I just feel pain. The only way you're really a 'loser' is if you chose to call yourself one, which is an incredibly bad idea! I cant shake the feeling that I'm only able to learn this because I have way too much free time on my hands because no one needs or wants me. Last year, I felt like things may have been looking positive for my romantic life (up until around this time last year, actually), but my career had taken a back step. I'm 30 now and felt the exact same when I was a bit younger and have days where I still feel like it isn't enough. I graduated high-school in 2022 and decided to not go to college as I come from a poor family and it would just be very hard to just do it all on my own, plus the whole being in debt idea just doesn’t sound amusing to me. Community politi Because Red Ribbon Week is a campaign all about drug and violence prevention every October, good quotes and slogans for the festivities would be “A healthy me is drug free,” “Be a A website’s welcome message should describe what the website offers its visitors. Has job, needs more friends/supports. Share your stories, triumphs, coping mechanisms or just come and vent, but don’t bring the politics, vilification, spam or non-constructive criticism, as the clock is ticking for all of us and life is too short to waste on the hate. I feel like a loser regularly, or as if I'm doing something wrong. Especially this time of year. I feel like there's something fundamentally wrong with me and I don't know why or how to fix it. For instance, I feel surprised when good things happen in my life, because I feel like I am undeserving of them. I don’t blame her, she probably sees me as a guy with no future, because I never knew what I want to do career wise. You have to go out and interact with women and understand that it doesn’t matter how good you look beyond a certain point, because women are looking for men who look good for the bare minimum and then make their decision on those men based on their behavior, which 90 percent of dudes completely Hey all, I'm just going to say this, I'm nothing more than a failure and a loser. And auto mechanic is a noble job. by the time I was your age I was going through the worst period of my life and gave up on people completely, once I realised none of my friends gave a crap about me and didn't care whether I was around or not, and my parents just wanted rid of me and To me, it feels like I'm too old to be directionless while everyone else my age already has a degree/career and I'm stuck. These are common and occur sporadically in everyone’s lives. Ex: washing their car, preparing dinner for the family, repairing something which is broken, organizing a closet, etc. Before diving into engagement strategies, it’s essential Reddit is a platform like no other, boasting a unique culture that attracts millions of users daily. In an instant things can change. Then I started hating work and companies in general, refusing (and afraid) to find work. Reddit, I'm an asshole. I feel like a loser because as I'm turning 40 I am completely alone, with only new friends, surrounded by no one, no one buying me gifts, showering me with attention, throwing me a party, even family is like cool peace, enjoyno one visiting. Which can leave us feeling losers a lot of the time. So avoid those things that don’t meet your standard as much as possible. Find a job you like doing where you make the amount of money you want. Reading Reddit posts where people call people like me losers for being at home at my age make it worse. ) you might attribute that to your own failure, however, its just how life works. I'm trying to find myself. My family and friends even tell me that I’m a good driver and I drive better than most of the people in our state. I feel like a loser at the moment but I'm going to just try do positive things around the garden and home and do some exercise to feel better. I feel like I have nothing going for me. I spent today crying like a child because I feel so lonely and so angry at the same time, mostly on myself because where I am now, is my CSCareerQuestions protests in solidarity with the developers who made third party reddit apps. That’s to If you think that scandalous, mean-spirited or downright bizarre final wills are only things you see in crazy movies, then think again. Now you're doing what you feel is best for you at this point and thats great too. im 28, soon to be 29, have no kids and i'm single because my partner died of an overdose a couple years ago. I'm 27 and I get super anxious over simple tasks like making phone calls and hanging out with people I don't know well. It has left me in a tight spot, feeling like a loser. That’s why many people are turning to Knix for their underwear needs. ” And while it’s not an official term for a mental healt Returning home can evoke a complex tapestry of emotions. And yet here I am on the outside feeling like such a total unwanted loser. I have been unemployed for more than a year, I quit because I couldn't stand my last manager. I feel like a failure. I'm too sensitive. Don't feel like a loser because you're not. T Reddit is often referred to as “the front page of the internet,” and for good reason. so working/volunteering seem like huge tasks i'm not ready for. Your job doesn’t define who you are. I feel like I did my life wrong. You want to use a site that feels authentic without having to pay. It is very fun and a good way to unwind. I kind of feel like a loser because my job isn’t high value but I also know I have a really low stress job and I have a lot of hobbies outside work because I have a lot of energy after work and on weekends one of my hobbies is a small business that yields 600-800 extra dollars a month right now and could become full time if it grows I'm 24, and it feels like at any minute my youth is going to be over and I'm going to be saddled with responsibility - I feel like I'd better fucking start living. It was like having a friend trying to cheer me up. ” The welcome message can be either a stat There’s more to life than what meets the eye. I always feel bad about not starting early, but I end up repeating the same pattern again and again. I'm not where I want to be, but I feel like it's too late now. You are not a loser. At 31 engaged and now at 32 Im married. I was a very quiet kid, bullied at school, taught at home that if I just study and be nice and proper, that's all that matters. com. Thankfully, lots of other languages can come to your rescue. However, there are in Are you looking for an effective way to boost traffic to your website? Look no further than Reddit. For example, “Reddit’s stories are created by its users. It’s a platform where millions gather to share ideas, seek advice, and build communities aroun Unlike Twitter or LinkedIn, Reddit seems to have a steeper learning curve for new users, especially for those users who fall outside of the Millennial and Gen-Z cohorts. I couldn't get a driver's license, twice. I don’t know what to do. On the bright side I've been looking into volunteer work and I've been thinking about becoming a Mason. My mental health is struggling because of it. I have to pretend like I'm excited to go home for the summer, and fake excitment when I talk about my "summer focusing on me". That means you (mostly) say yes to invitations, don't whine about inconsequential things, try not to act like an idiot when drunk, don't get too controversial in conversation. You are still young, you have so much time to work out what you want and get it. Getting free horoscopes online is even more fun. Unhappy, realizing they are not satisfied and wanting to find motivation to change it. idk how to explain it but it’s embarrassing to be like this. It's hard. Let’s say you’re doing something that you don’t believe meets your standard of who you believe you are/could be that kinda makes you feel like a loser. I joined big 4 about 3 months ago also from mid-tier and so far it’s been pretty depressing experience. I just wasted 2 years at a community college to get Gen Ed classes to transfer to a 4 year University in Industrial Design. She makes time for me and is really good with prioritizing our relationship but she does like to go out and will invite me but I always decline. Do not ever think of yourself as a loser. I feel like an alien and when I try to explain my thoughts and feelings to people, they either don't believe me, don't care, think I'm just being weak, etc. " However, when someone fails like that, they usually turn around and try again and then succeed. 103 votes, 62 comments. I know I didn't and I feel like I missed nothing. Just wanted to share this idk. These past few years I've avoided depression by immersing myself in silly fantasies while listening to music and playing video games and watching shows and movies all the time. 3 months no job or license is ages but I can use it to better myself and so can you. Felt like I’d never meet someone then at 27 met someone. (Plantar fasciitis had flared up something fierce and I've gotta stand at my job. I don’t talk to people, I’ve always just felt like a back ground character too. Also, I feel like OP is saying basically the same thing that you’re saying. As an active gamer, your last line of advice will stick with me for a long time. On Reddit, people shared supposed past-life memories In the world of competition, whether in sports, business, or personal challenges, how one handles winning and losing speaks volumes about their character. Hey. I feel like many people might feel like this. Dating apps are an extremely poor way to determine whether or not you are competent with women. When we feel good about ourselves, we don’t usually feel the need to prove anything to anyone else. Also, inflation is nowhere near 10% a year. In competitive environments, whether in sports, academics, or business, the drive to win can overshadow the importance of how we conduct ourselves in both victory and defeat. Now I feel like a jerk for hating on her for so long and she really is the nicest but I was so caught up in my own problems that I was putting down everyone around me. i'm in an iop 4 i feel like a complete loser, mooching off my parents and failing a semester of college while doing it. I used to be proud of myself for never drinking or trying (non prescription) drugs. I missed the people at my old firm. But what sets Knix apart from other brands? The right deodorant is an important part of your daily routine to help you feel and smell your best. com Dec 31, 2020 · You might think you're the only one who feels like this, but in reality, fluctuating self-esteem is common. If you feel like a loser, it is due to the way that you look around, at others in your local area. you're contributing to the household, working, not being a leech. And I completely understand the vicious feeling of not being able to do anything and feeling bad about it the same time. lost social respect also but over the period of time my life continue with better way. A loser? I think you're being a little to hard on yourself, I get why you would feel that way, I'm 21 and have the same feelings most of the time, the first thing you should work on is cutting out all the outside pressure, focusing on other people expectations or successes will only further your low self esteem. For brands, leveraging this unique plat Reddit is a popular social media platform that has gained immense popularity over the years. I feel so like dumb, I don’t have anything smart to say, I’ve lost my self big time, don’t even have money to go out. i just feel like no one else is like this and that just makes it more depressing. I don’t draw the same hard lines a lot of people do towards things and am pretty fluid with my acceptance/interests. I just hate my life to be honest. But the cool thing is, you alone get to set that standard. It's mentally exhausting and it's all I could think about. I focused on myself too much and lost everyone. I just feel so I woke up this morning with the same feeling as OP. It's completely normal to feel like a loser or experience feelings of inadequacy, even when you've achieved great things in life. I feel stuck and burnout. And the combination of finding socialising tiring and the ‘feeling like a loser’ made me think it might be worth you exploring the possibility with a Doctor? Around 50% of people with ADHD (including me) experience something called ‘rejection sensitivity disorder’ (RSD). If they are doing better than you, (or at least appear to be. I'm starting to feel really incongruent between my 'work' self and my 'real' self, which is the persona I adopt when I'm out with friends or on dates etc. you're not a loser. I know I'm new, but I feel like I have no place there. You define what you want your success to look like. Also there's a wide array of age ranges in college my friend. Too much. It's SO lonely. I’ll often find myself leaving communities because I just feel like I don’t fit in outside of liking the same thing because I like so many other things. It turns out that real people who want to ma Reddit is a popular social media platform that boasts millions of active users. I see so many of my friends having hookups, solid relationships, and even marriages. However, taking care of ourselves is essential for maintaining a positive mindset and overall happiness The holiday season, especially Christmas, is often viewed as a time for family gatherings and joyous celebrations. You help people get where they need to go. But whenever I consider my options for raising my salary, they all sound so unappealing. I feel like I don't live up to society's expectations of what a 31 year old man should be. Take that time and make the best of it. A bit about me: everything started going downhill for me around college when I dropped out of college the first time and got depressed (not clinically) si Doesn't matter what the goal is, or if I try but fall short. I don't know what I'm doing with my life. Based on the description. Being jobless in a job climate where the world basically shut down for a few months doesn't make you a loser. If you’re shivering despite comfortable temperatures and a mountain of blankets, you mi Music has a unique ability to touch our hearts and evoke a wide range of emotions. To answer the question in your title, terms like "loser" don't have any real objective meaning and are really just insults that certain people mindlessly toss around so they can feel superior to others. where I'm a lot more social and (hopefully) witty and funny. May 11, 2021 · The more you feel the need to big yourself up, the chances are the more of a loser you feel deep down. And don't feel like you have to go to your reunion. that type of problem face so many graduate including me. So after 3 1/2 months, I am now at Sears, in retail again. I know people will say stop being so hard on yourself but I just don’t know how. Nobody knows exactly what happens after you die, but there are a lot of theories. You might find yourself struggling to keep your eyes open or feeling sluggish halfway through your day. My sister is a year older than me and she's an accountant with her own place and almost makes 6 figures. If you were a cook in a French Brigade kitchen, you wouldn't feel like a loser even if you were just a line cook taking orders from chefs. Be the best damn soldier you can and make sure that the small role you play in the grand scheme of things is done as well as it possibly can be done. I’ve been so mentally and physically exhausted with no energy Like the title says I’m 20 years old and I feel like I failure. Feeling like a loser. I feel like missing out on a lot of things like social events, music concerts, date nights, etc. I'm 36 living in lisbon Portugal,many days I feel like you feel, I have 1500 in my savings, I work in construction which over here translates to long hours minimum payment, I don't have a relationship, and to make it worse I have a 7 year old daughter in Germany with my ex wife. Like Drakkanoth, I’m mid 20’s but still feel like I’ve hit a dead end in all areas. But it's hard. Suffeeing from social anxiety and depression made me feel alienated from all the other "normal" people. reddit's new API changes kill third party apps that offer accessibility features, mod tools, and other features not found in the first party app. It sounds like you know what you want to do. Basically just keep good vibes Let this be a place for Midlifers (aged approx 45-65) battling a mundane life, loss of self-confidence or a full blown existential dilemma. You would not evaluate a wheel chair user on his running skills. im isolated, have put on significant weight this year and now struggle to leave the house from anxiety. I didn’t finish college. Hey man I feel stuck too. Of course you won't enjoy yourself if you're thinking like that. it takes 20-60 daya to form Also, my GF broke up with me after living together through all of this. Sure he said start with veggies, but ultimately he’s basically saying if you want change you may have to change up your life in a big way, and that includes your diet, attitude, outlook on life and yes your mindset. Sport Going on a fitness journey is a tough road to travel. I missed out on a lot, because of the sheltered upbringing. I think everyone goes through a bit of a funk (in different forms) when they hit 30. I'm still figuring out where I want to go and what I want to be, it never really stops. I just lost my girlfriend of 2 years because she couldn't put up with my laziness and lack of motivation anymore. And I can't see my life changing much, so I gotta learn to embrace this solitude. I have undiagnosed Adhd. I wouldn't consider this not having your life together. Don't feel like a loser . Having such a low salary and a small old apartment makes me feel like a loser. I live in a beach town, so I am lucky for that. Even browsing job sites fills me with anxiety. Before I start this post, I would like to clarify that although this may sound like a rant, I really am just desperately searching for help as I am in serious pain and do not know what to do. I am happy for them but at the same time I feel so stuck and just don't know why good things aren't happening to me. Additional accompanying symptoms include feeling full or bloat Is the constantly changing pandemic situation giving you emotional whiplash? You may have a case of “pandemic flux syndrome. My autism and depression diagnoses are around 11 years old (though the c-PTSD is newer; I think I received an official diagnosis a couple of years prior). i just wanted to let you know i feel the same way. I just feel like a total loser sometimes and I’m not sure why. Right now, I have an exam in about 5 hours, and I only managed to start studying an hour ago. However, understanding and managing these emotions can sometimes be a challen If you’re new to working from home in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, then you’re probably camped out at your kitchen counter, dining room table, living room sofa or, in the cas Getting your horoscope online is fun. It's alright. I'm 30 and I feel like my life is over. You say you feel like fuck up, but to me, you still have never really done anything yet A fuck up is "I wanted to do this, so I went for it, and I fucked it up. Lot of people are dating, dont have money, time or something like that. Whether it’s joy, sadness, or nostalgia, music can deeply connect with our feelings. My dad and grandpa were both mechanics. That's ok. Get in the momentum of doing things and then make a plan of important things you need to be doing and use this momentum there. Everyone acts like you have to move mountains in order to be happy, but there's nothing wrong with going at your own pace, especially if things are so difficult for you. I’m 27 and in the exact same boat as you, so I promise you are not the only one. Your income is high. The phrase ‘I am a gracio Real estate is often portrayed as a glamorous profession. My students at a large commonwealth campus are dealing with it too. I really enjoy my job. I (22m) feel like my entire existence is below mediocre. I get to joke around a lot. I feel miserable 80% of the time I Do you "feel like a loser" for not being one of those people? Of course not. At 30 pick up a hobby started drawing and painting. Be glad and proud that you're going through with what you want to do and dont worry about being too late or w/e. I feel like a loser. I've been applying for jobs that sound like better fits for me, so hopefully I get an interview soon. Don't feel like you have to stick it out and suffer, either. It’s a topic that will never go out of style, as Hollywood relationships that last tend to be few and far between, but there are also more than a few that might make you want to find your soulmate and love the heck out of them. In the meantime, if you’re still feeling like a mooch, there are plenty of small, nice things you can do which don’t have to cost money to help out your parents. Thank you badass_panda for giving me (us) a better perspective. Im still feeling like a loser and im still a little sad sometimes and Im still struggling with motivation and what I want to do with my life but I feel I have made STRIDES in my journey. I need help or just like suggestions and this message comes from me being a follower me entire life. I went to a really fancy college, got a shitty GPA, and now I'm going back for post-baccalaureate classes in CS at a local school in hopes of actually getting into grad school. The other kids from my class graduate this year but I feel like I am just taking the first step. Feeling like a loser I was on a really good 35 day not smoking streak, not drinking for a week, no masturbation for a week, no coke for a week and all of a sudden I went to work for the first time in months, and had a couple beers with some co workers, then I asked my buddy for smokes, eventually called my dealer. With millions of active users, it is an excellent platform for promoting your website a If you’re an incoming student at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) and planning to pursue a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), it’s natural to have q Making a bet with a family member, friend or coworker on a sport’s game and having the loser wear a certain outfit or buy dinner is an example of a friendly wager. Recently, I turned 30, and was looking back at my life. Many people live similar lives to you. Even as my life improves, I still feel like a loser, deep-down. Also, I do my best not to look at or think about what other people are achieving - I always think they're doing better than me, and correspondingly feel like a loser. Yes, I have. i feel like a 16 year old when i should be mature. i feel disgusted with what i am. and i just feel like i’m growing up late which makes it more embarrassing when i should have already been growing up/maturing the usual rate as everyone else. I have a Bachelor's degree and am trying to switch to a different field, but I just feel so behind and like a failure. Family dynamics can change dramatically during the holiday season Emotions play a significant role in our daily lives, influencing our thoughts, decisions, and actions. Even other artist's i went to school with are farther ahead. 4. I read that gossiping serves some kind of social function. I just moved back in with my parents for the 3rd time, b Hey I feel like I’m spamming this on this sub today because this is absolutely 100% normal. I am now trying to make up for some lost time, and what feel like lost life. I feel so unworthy, devalued, like trash. With its vast user base and diverse communities, it presents a unique opportunity for businesses to In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for the success of any website. but do i feel like a loser? 100% yes. I feel the same. discipline my man!!! you just motivated me to to to the gym right now even though i absolutely do not want to go. Ever feel super depressed? T In our fast-paced and hectic lives, it’s easy to neglect our own well-being. I’m not a bad driver, I actually drive every day to work and to run errands and all of that. I look back at the past 10 years and so much has happened but I can also remember so many times feeling like those very things would never happen. You know you best, so let yourself be No two people walk down the same exact path in life. I’ve been in therapy for a year now… I felt the exact same way at 23, 5 years later I still feel exactly the same. I do know these things are true, but for some reason I just cannot shake my feeling of being late and I don’t know what it is even though my cumulative GPA is a 3. Don't compare yourself to others or what you think society wants from you. Roadblocks, challenges, temptations, self-doubt, old habits, mistakes — sometimes it seems like the whole world is against you Advertising on Reddit can be a great way to reach a large, engaged audience. Hi. But this is irrelevant because it is the wrong way to define loser. My mind is everywhere and I just can’t settle on one thing. I've failed out of college 4 times. Focus on doing what you like, travel the world if that's something you like and afford, read a lot and develop yourself. I live alone so going to the office was bit of social interaction and I genuinely like the people I worked with. Well, doesn't sound like a surprise to me, sounds like yeah, no shit. Posted by u/andreasm1982 - 3 votes and 3 comments I can't console you other than to say you can't be more of a loser than me. They can be caused Weakness in the legs usually means one is tired or ill, according to Healthgrades. The foods you Sometimes it’s hard to think of the perfect English word to describe a particular emotion. With millions of active users and countless communities, Reddit offers a uni Reddit is a unique platform that offers brands an opportunity to engage with consumers in an authentic and meaningful way. "Being a loser" is subjective and calling yourself that doesn't do any good. Like I might feel stressed or upset if I fall short, but not like a loser. I’m 30 years old and don’t have a job. start going to the gym 5 days a week or even 3! i brt if you were shredded and a healthy kind from healthy food, you will be much happier and think clearer. I have also had severe depression & episodes that made me kind of immobile for 2 years but! Its ok tho we got this :-) there’s no shame in it bc we are still getting it done From my own experience, I would def suggest getting a blood panel done if small wins but every day my man. Here are some ways to get Rating: 6/10 I was initially disappointed by the setting of Luca. Every time I go in, I feel like a chicken with its head cut off. And like you said, many of them have a reason for it so it's not like nobody just doesnt want to travel with you. Understanding this culture is key to engaging effectively with the community. We have a lot in common, right down to stepping back into an old job and feeling like you can't keep working in that job any longer. The last 2 years have been the hardest of my life and I just feel so alone. Don’t feel like a loser, milestones are further and harder to get to now. Hi, I'm (M 28) feeling down and really need some advice, especially on finding a job. So basically the title says it all really. Make a list of the things in your life that you're not happy with; then prioritize and work on fixing them, one by one. Look forward how you're going to start working towards a better future and all the memories you're going to make. Instead, focus on the facts. and idk where to start too. What can I feel like people in general look down on me. Now I feel like I'm having some sort of midlife crisis because I'm almost 30 and feel like a loser who doesn't fit in with anyone. I am around your age and just think wtf. You don’t want worries over whether you have noticeable body odor impacting you In today’s fast-paced world, it’s more important than ever to stay informed about what’s happening in the world around us. I got many reasons to feel like a loser but traveling alone never felt like one of those. I’m thinking about buying an expensive car just so that I don’t feel like a loser anymore and I can cry in an expensive car instead of a cheap-ass one but in the end that’s not gonna fix my problem. Nov 2, 2018 · I didn't feel like a normal adult and felt left behind as everyone went on to get married and have kids, have meaningful careers or just enjoy life. Sudden weakness in the leg can signal a much more serious condition, such as sciatica, which occu Experiencing a midday slump is a common issue for many people. I rarely run into people from school, but its always so embarrassing when they come into my work- like i know they have reached higher career goals. At the end of the day it’s just a job. I know so many people in their late 30's who are still struggling, it's just a part of life. Your Peers. Real estate agents, clients and colleagues have posted some hilarious stories on Reddit filled with all the juicy details Feeling surrounded can refer to a sensation of being enclosed by people, emotions, or situations. I hate parties and can’t drink because of medication so the whole “college experience” isn’t really my thing. Cut your expenses, invest the money you save (in reliable investments like stock index funds, not cryptos or individual stocks), and you will almost certainly become very wealthy. You should be proud of yourself for being a self starter and a survivor. Even though I have done well slightly, I feel like a fuck up as dating has been a joke and looking for work even more so. All my friends already have a driver's license, and I don't. Very relatable. ) In my experience, feeling like a failure isn't a feeling that ever really goes away. Most people I know are getting their first home at 35-40 years old, so if you get your house at 28 you’re still ahead of the game! bro if you're happy in your living situation then by all means enjoy. I'm a 30 year old man (soon to be 31), I have no job, no friends, no car, and I'm living with my parents. Hey, you are doing alright. You are not a loser, chin up and one day at a time. This principle is not only p When it comes to undergarments, comfort and functionality are key. Thank you so much for your response. Our emotions can be complex and don't always align with our external accomplishments. I dealt with it when I was in college at a large state school. I feel like shit. I've tried everything in order to up skill myself or take on more hobbies but I just feel like a loser. I found out that I would either have to take 4 more years due to the structure of the program or haul ass this year to only take 3 years of classes. This instrument is a replacement for friends and an extended family. If you were in the army, you wouldn't feel like a loser, even if you were the lowest rank. However, it’s important to remember that everyone The subject of loneliness, an inescapable part of the human condition, has been featured in many successful movies over the years. However, with so much news available at our fingertips, i It can be really uncomfortable to feel cold, especially if it’s happening pretty constantly. I’m a 19 year old manager at mcdoanlds. 36M, virgin, still lives with parents, no friends or social life. Edit: I suggest if you like music to maybe get into audio hobby. The power of A fluttering sensation in the chest is most likely a type of heart palpitation, according to WebMD. Some of them don't even have as much experience as I do yet they're doing better than me. This complex feeling often manifests in various ways, influencing our mental and e In “How It Feels to Be Colored Me,” author Zora Neale Hurston recounts how her family’s move from Eatonville, Florida to Jacksonville, Florida affected her sense of self and identi A crawling sensation felt on the skin may be caused by a condition called morgellons, according to WebMD. I also think the world is in such a weird place right now; it’s hard to feel very hopeful right now. You're just in a bit of a rough spot. I have a phobia of working after a terrible job experience. The job is ok in terms of not causing me anxiety, but I feel so out of place there. I used to feel happy going to the office. I try and see a future for myself but I can’t see one. . The latest animated film from Pixar, which opens on Disney+ this Friday, June 18, tells the story of the 13-year-o Rating: 8/10 There are many reasons to like Top Gun. I can’t help but feel like a “loser” sometimes because I’m 28 and working a dead end job making $30,000 a year wile people I went to high school with are engineers and nurses making way more. Most of my buddies in that line of work did a two-year program at a community college. You're still young, and time is your biggest advantage right now. Now make it your purpose to accelerate your growth. Throughout my life, I have had low self-esteem. But really, working doesn't have to be intimidating, nor The next year another job that paid double. And maybe not because not everybody reaches university. Whoever can figure out the why can figure out the how. Seeing her go out with her friends has just made me feel like a complete loser. I'm also 22, and while I'm thankful I'm currently employed thanks to my major, only 33% of my graduating class is, and there are so many talented people that don't have jobs right now. I am a starving artist. i think some people consider it "loser" behavior because they can't imagine doing that, not everyone is blessed with such a great relationship with their parents or maybe they really value This is actually pretty decent advice, but I'd go a bit farther and say that the best way to not be a loser is to not act like a loser. Even more so than when I was at my happiest (traveling). Idk why people are being such assholes but- I think truthfully, what you’re feeling right now is pretty normal. 32-year-old guy and feel like I am failing massively. 17 votes, 22 comments. See full list on ideapod. About me from 22-30 means 8yr i feel like a loser. And when I go on social media, I feel even more alone, constantly being reminded of how everyone else seems to be living their best life. I would consider myself somewhat successful but in no way did I consider myself as such until somewhat recently. I used to be hopeful then but right now I’m not anymore. I'm so sick of feeling like this. Not having a driver's license is a huge disadvantage for me. During the summer I was trying to improve myself because maybe they didn't like me because I was ugly, stupid, prettier than them, fat (I literally wasn't) or just annoying. I don't want to wake up one day in the same position, but 30. 9) Bitching about people. Screw what society thinks. what would be a way to make a change and feel more free, and maybe make friends with people new, and go out? as of now i go to school, work, gym, come home I don't know if it helps but I can relate, I'm stuck in a place in my life where I feel like I have very little control over it, I feel trapped and I realized that I went back to feeling like a loser, comparing myself to others and feeling like the rest of the world is laughing at my failures all the time (even though I'm perfectly aware that no one cares, rationally). Basically, you need to put yourself in a situation where other people need something from you that you can contribute. I’ve been diagnosed with level 2 autism, c-PTSD, and major depression. I start work at 3 pm and work until around 9:30 on weekdays. It's not like in high school where everyone is the same age at every grade. The 1986 Tony Scott movie stars Tom Cruise as Maverick, an arrogant yet talented elite Navy pilot with an addiction to speed, a. I hate this job. It can leave you feeling unsettled, confused, and even overwhelmed. Like I'm not good enough for anyone and never will be. It's moments like these when I feel like my life is miserable. With millions of active users and page views per month, Reddit is one of the more popular websites for Reddit, often referred to as the “front page of the internet,” is a powerful platform that can provide marketers with a wealth of opportunities to connect with their target audienc Alternatives to Reddit, Stumbleupon and Digg include sites like Slashdot, Delicious, Tumblr and 4chan, which provide access to user-generated content. Thank you If you don't find the lucky lady for the next 1, 10 or 50 years, that doesn't make you a loser.
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